Saturday, March 7, 2009

In My Locker...

In my locker are four magnets! Two of them can connect to make a hippo and the other two can connect to make a cow.

In any case, magnetism made me think of my hippo and cow. The half-hippos and half-cows create a magnetic field and exert a magnetic force allowing them to stick to my locker and each other. In them are magnets with north and south poles. One side of the hippo has the north pole facing outward while the other side has its magnets' south poles facing outward. I figured out that I could stick a north side of the hippo with the south side of a cow to create a hippow. If I try to stick a north side hippo with a north side cow, they repel because the magnetic fields repel each other. In a magnet are domains, which are large groups of atoms whose spins are aligned. A magnet cannot have a north pole without a south pole.

The picture is not accurate on their sizes and looks... I have a half-hippo sticking to the hangers. They are very cool so whoever reads this should come to look at them sometime :)

1 comment:

Jaimie Fong said...

that picture is so cute <3!

nice post, cara!