Sunday, May 10, 2009

Balloons: Color and Reflection

In physics class, we have discussed many things which relate very easily to life, such as color and reflection.
I have found color and reflection in the balloons that were part of the centerpiece for Junior Prom. The white light from the ceiling lights hit the red balloons. The balloons absorb the green and blue components of the white light, and reflect the red component to my eyes. That is why the balloon is red. For the black balloons, they appear black because they absorb all of the colors and do not reflect any color. This would be considered the absence of color, so in a is not a color?! The yellow star balloon reflects two colors: the red light and the green light. Surprisingly, red and green combine to make yellow.
I took the balloons home :) My friend and I looked at the red balloon and saw our faces in them. Also, we could see that our faces looked different because the balloon is curved. The light from our faces reflect to the balloon and bounce off to our eyes. Light always takes the path of shortest time and travels in straight lines according to Fermat's Principle. This means that the light from my face knows which angle to bounce off the balloon in order to reach my eyes as quickly as possible.
This picture is my second picture on this blog that's from a camera!