So I currently feel a little lost in physics, but not as badly as I was in chemistry. chemistry was much worse. physics is also more interesting than chem. but anyway, I feel like Alice in Wonderland because she gets lost and she wants to find her way back to the normal world.
I have put effort into this course, but I might have been able to put more into it. or maybe not. I think that I might have killed myself in my other subjects if I had tried even harder in this class. It's a feeling sort of like Alice because she tries to find her way back home, but she gets sidetracked really easily if I remember correctly. Does that have any relation to my situation? Hmmm...
I hope I can get better grades next quarter, but I'll be happy just as long as I get grades above B-. yep. I hope that friction quiz didn't strangle my grade to death because that would be bad.
By the way, everyone should read Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll because its a really great story!